Did you do this Christmas Week?

Did you do this Christmas Week?

What we did on Christmas Vacation

What we did on Christmas Vacation
The Family swimming

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Jan 22, 2012

Sunday, January 22, 2012
Today was a perfect day for driving.  Overcast skies are so much easier on the eyes!   We wound our way around the campground at Mocksville.  It is a huge place with lots of summer cottages of underpinned travel trailers.  Many of them had a golf cart stored on the porch that had been attached to the trailer or under a tarp in the garage built into the hillside under the home.  Several of the set-ups led us to wonder how they will ever be moved they are so tucked into the spaces.  Trees are everywhere and the roads curve and twist to miss the trees.  There is a large soccer field, horseshoe area, an Olympic size pool beside a wading pool and a conference center that could easily seat 500 persons.  Two fishing ponds are near the entrance with canoe docks, and vacation cottages around the shore.  There are two water baggans.  I had never heard of water slides being called that before.  I’ll bet this is a busy place during the warm months.  I’m sure other campers were there last night, but not many of us.  The four white geese came to see us again as we prepared to leave.  Junnie couldn’t decide whether to watch the geese on the ground or the squirrels in the trees.
We arrived back at Bermuda Commons around 10:30 to see Neva.  It does my heart good to see how well she is doing.   
She’s had a rough time of it, though.  The physical therapist and an occupational therapist work with her daily during the week.  Her husband, Gene, was there, too.  We were glad to see him.  It is close to  impossible to get down their driveway while towing anything.  They live on a very busy divided highway and access to their home is down a steep, curving driveway.  It’s sometimes nerve wracking trying to turn into their driveway with just an ordinary car.  You turn your blinker on at the top of the hill hoping everyone one will see you by the time you reach the bottom of the hill and have to make a sharp right!  And to think, when they bought their house it was on a dead end street, which now leads to Wake Forest University.  Talk about change…..
We spent a thankful hour with Neva and Gene before we left the Commons and began making our way across this gorgeous state.  Sometimes it is too easy to take what we have for granted.  Our grass is just as green as the grass in other states!  There was a huge flock of Canada Geese by the side of the road, so I suppose you could say that the largest number of wild life we saw on the trip was this group of grass grazing geese along the highway of North Carolina.  There’s just no place like home!
Kryn flew to Atlanta today for the CDC and we didn’t get to see him, but we did stop by his home to deliver Christmas present packages too large for his suitcase for the plane from California.  Of course our key to his house is at our house, but we managed to put things where he said we could, so he can find them when he gets home and then we went in search of a Trader Joe’s.  We had gotten a really good chicken lasagna just right for two people at the one in Arizona.  It was so good we made sure we had room in the fridge to get a couple.  If only this Trader Joe’s had had them!   We did find some tamales which Dan and I both love and a few other things for the fridge.  Nature is not the only thing that abhors a vacuum.  Check out our pantry.  Did I really say that?
Being a person who is confused by the literal meaning of things, this thought occurred to me today.  Do birds become as disoriented as humans sometimes do on an overcast day?  We know we’re headed east and we’re pretty familiar with the roads, but there are hawks sitting in the trees.  We have seen them the past three days which have been overcast, misty, or drizzly.  We rarely, if ever saw a hawk sitting in a tree on a sunny day.  For me it’s a, “ hummmmmer”!  What about other animals?  No one has told me yet their thoughts about tag less clothes.
We arrived in Goldsboro and set up early enough to have time to spend talking with Nancy and Charles before we went out to dinner.  It’s been a fun day.  We compared notes with Neva and Gene about their trip out west in the late 70’s and tonight we did the same with Nancy and Charles about their camping adventures.  We swapped stories all day long with family and friends and we’ll be telling others about what a great time we have had.  Tomorrow we should arrive at home.  I’m looking forward to being there, but I am also sad this wonderful experience is closing quickly.  We’re not there yet, so there will be at least one more blog!
Three Tearing Travelers

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