January 3, 2012
In the not-quite-immortal words of Willie Nelson, we’re “On the Road again”. We said tearful good-byes to Kath and her beautiful family this morning. Karl had to go to work early, so we’d had to tell him good-bye last night. One time when we part, I cry. Another time when we part, Dan cries. We are just so thankful to be able to spend time with our family. Kryn was only able to stay with us for a week before he had to leave, but it was even more wonderful when he was with us. I would love to keep them all with me, but I’m not so sure they’d want to be with MOTHER for all that time!
We soon discovered it was hot. When you were having 30 degree temperatures in Carteret County with 50 MPH winds and a chill factor of 17, we were having to stop to remove some of our outer clothing as we ventured farther south on the 5. Around here, we learned all highways are preceded by the word THE. At home, using the CA lingo, it would be The 70 or it’s on THE 101. We went down the 5 through Pasadena (took a short side trip so we could say we’d been on Colorado Blvd where the Rose Parade goes). After the 5 we took the 210 over the megalopolis that is along the southwest coast of California. The traffic is not as horrendous on that road and it’s a much smoother surface for traveling. Junnie, who has been a dream traveling between the RV park and Kath’s home, almost immediately began his mewing as we left their area. When I asked Dan why he was crying and we hadn’t even gone as far as we would go between the park and Kath’s, he informed me it was because Junnie could see that the trailer was following us. Hummm. He’s smart, but not that smart…Junnie that is, is he?
The traffic was so busy and I was spending so much time trying to keep us on track by reading the “Streets and Trip” program we decided to use today, that I didn’t get a chance to take pictures of the absolutely beautiful mountains we saw. You’ll just have to use your imagination to see what we saw. Picture freshly starched beige, tan, and green sheets all crumpled together upon the bed. See the valleys and peaks the rumpled sheets make? Now, sprinkle the highest peaks on the bed with talcum powder for the snow and let some of the powder sift gently down a rill or two to have the effect of snow covered peaks and trails along the sides of the mountains. Isn’t the view gorgeous? Perhaps I’ll be able to capture the scene sometime when traffic is not so congested.
We saw streets lined with avocado trees, and occasionally, California pepper trees. The best way I can describe them is for you to think of a weeping willow tree covered in trailing mimosa leaves. They are very beautiful. We passed three different exits for Citrus Avenue, each in a different city. Windmill farms, palm groves, citrus orchards, pistachios, lush green fields of various produce were along the road and then, Oleander bushes as the dividers in the medians. They weren’t blooming, unfortunately. We did read a sign when we were in one of the valleys that said we were 71 feet above sea level. That was rather hard to imagine since we were surrounded by huge peaks. The mountains are so tall they still have snow even with the 80 degrees California has been having. It seems California, too, is having most unusual weather.
Trying not to travel more than just short of 200 miles a day, we arrived at Oasis RV Park around 3 this afternoon. It is probably the most beautiful park we’ve camped in so far. We are in the middle of a citrus grove and have been told to take all the citrus we want. The tangerines we had as a snack were delicious. We’ve picked grapefruit…ruby as well as regular, for breakfast. We are camped beside lemon trees and even though it may be in the usual 40 degree range for night time temperatures, I may try to open a window or two because the air smells so fragrant.
The last 25 miles or so were through date palm groves. At least three different types of dates grow here, each on a different type of palm tree. The dates around here are so flavorful. Santa brought me a container of the California dates and placed them beside my stocking. I’m hoping we can find more to purchase so we’ll have plenty for snacks along the way east.
The camping area also has lots of holes in the grass. They’re gopher holes. We keep looking for wild life, but are not very successful at finding any. This park has a huge lake with palms, citrus, California pepper, cedar, live oak and other trees I do not recognize. There’s a rec room, a TV room, hot tub and heated swimming pool, a computer room and lots of vehicles from California and Canada. We’ve met people who have been here since Thanksgiving and plan on staying until sometime in March. We can understand why. It’s a place we might someday come for a visit of more than one afternoon and evening.
My sister’s having a really rough time right now. I ask you for prayers for her and all of her family and friends who love her so very much.
Blessings to each of you,
Trio Trekking Troopers
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