My bad habits must be infecting Dan! He didn't wake up much before I did and I am a night person. We decided to stay around camp, have an early lunch and go the the Clinton Presidential Library. It is the first one I have seen and I hope all others are as well done as it is. The building is quite impressive; on the banks of the Arkansas River... (across from our camp site) and because of the work they have done and the green techniques they have used, they have a platinum Leeds award. We were able to see an accurate replica of the cabinet office, the oval office, and many of the gifts and much of the memorabilia given to them while he was in office. There are areas that display the work that was done during his years as governor of Arkansas and his two terms as Presidentt. His failures as well as his successes where displayed and open for all the world to see. He looked just like like any other chubby, bare-butt baby lying on his tummy, in the first picture we saw of him! The authors he loved to read the the friendship he had with Mandela were things that had dimmed in my mind. The film of his life and private times and memories of his childhood as well as the public Clinton were interesting to see. It's so easy to forget some of the things that were so important at other times of our lives. >>>Point of interest ... It was cool and Dan dropped me off at the entrance and I sat outside and watched the school children as they left the Library. Even before they came out I had noticed a fairly young man with an elderly couple just standing near the pool of water that was near the entrance. We were paying no attention to each other. As I was sitting there on my walker, someone drove up to the area and I heard the younger man say as he walked the couple to the car, "Don't overlook the good in all people just because you are afraidd." I hope I can remember that advice. Both Dan and I really enjoyed our time at the Library.
As we left we asked if anyone could tell us where Heifer International building was. We knew it was founded in Little Rock and she took us to the door and pointed across the parking lot to where they are located. How's that for choosing to see things so close together and not even knowing what you're doing!
Heifer International is also an interesting structure as is the Library. Both use recycled materials, bamboo flooring, natural lighting as much as possible and local materials. Both buildings are impressive in style and in the percentage of re-purposed elements. The Heifer is also a Platinum Leeds award building. The building is only sixty feet wide and runs from east to west in an arc shape so that they can use the sun's energy to light and heat the building. The south side has a large overhang on each floor. The sun in the summer is at a higher altitude and hits the overhang and is reflected back into the air, while the lower winter angle is able to enter the windows to help heat the rooms of the 6 floor building that is decorated in artifacts from all over the world. Rain water is collected and used to flush toilets, water the grounds during droughts and replenish the moat that surrounds the complex. Local flora is evident outside with easily grown plants of the area. Both the Library and H.I. areas have been built on reclaimed lands.
Kryn called last night and suggested we change our plans to continue on I-40. He had carefully checked all weather conditions and feels we need to head farther south. It seems Oklahoma City and other areas on this route may have more snow than we have already met. We will take his advice. It's wonderful to have him checking on things for us. We appreciate his care and love more than he will ever know, but please, don't tell him we said so!
Tomorrow is December 1st. Don't forget to say, "Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit!" first thing in the morning....
Blessings to all,
Triple Trailer Travelers
Did you do this Christmas Week?
What we did on Christmas Vacation
The Family swimming
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Tuesday November 29, 2011
It was still snowing when we awakened, but the temp had risen enough that the streets were clear. We could hear the traffic going down the highway. We were most fortunate to have found a place to camp for the night and so near the highway.
We drove down I-40 and enjoyed seeing the white capped cedar trees along the highway. We've been having trouble with water splashing on the floor of the bathroom from the toilet. No matter what we have done in the past, there is always water on the floor. We outfoxed it this time. We hung a piece of Styrofoam from the shower curtain into the flap of the toilet to keep it open just a little bit so the residual water could not collect in the toilet and wet the floor. We are brilliant.
Crossing the Mississippi into West Memphis, AR, around noon was good time for us. Junnie was protesting so we stopped and added more Ärmoatheropÿ"to his car residence. Almost everywhere we looked there was flooding. We stopped at a welcome center and the gentleman there confirmed that this November is the wettest November on record for the state of Arkansas. Evidence was everywhere. Both fields and forests are flooded.
We arrived in North Little Rock and have a site on the Arkansas River. We can see the dome of the capitol building, Verizon Stadium, a gorgeous skyline and a walking bridge across the Arkansas River to the Clinton Presidential Library. We're using our Passport America card for the first time and we're glad we have it.
We put Junnie in the bathroom so we could go in and out without having to worry about his getting outside, and then we hooked up the electricity and water and began cranking the jacks in place. We were having some problem adjusting the jacks when I noticed water coming from under the door into the trailer. Dan can move very quickly and I didn't know I could yell so loudly! Junnie was perched on top of the toilet in the bathroom asking why everything was beginning to float. It is always a good idea to remove whatever you use to keep water from sloshing OUT of a toilet before you fill the water tanks. Toilet floor flush valves are just that...valves to allow water to flow INTO the toilet. We have a very clean floor and our carpets and towels are hanging on the wall behind us. Hopefully the temp won't go as low as they're predicting. The high for tomorrow is 49! We could definitely have done without all the excitement we have had today. Our GPS led us to two closed Walmarts and everyone we asked told us a different way to get to the huge new one---except at the end of each direction, there was no "pot of gold", or Walmart, either. Tomorrow will be better?
Obviously we are not öld dogs"...We're learning new tricks!
Three tired travelers
We drove down I-40 and enjoyed seeing the white capped cedar trees along the highway. We've been having trouble with water splashing on the floor of the bathroom from the toilet. No matter what we have done in the past, there is always water on the floor. We outfoxed it this time. We hung a piece of Styrofoam from the shower curtain into the flap of the toilet to keep it open just a little bit so the residual water could not collect in the toilet and wet the floor. We are brilliant.
Crossing the Mississippi into West Memphis, AR, around noon was good time for us. Junnie was protesting so we stopped and added more Ärmoatheropÿ"to his car residence. Almost everywhere we looked there was flooding. We stopped at a welcome center and the gentleman there confirmed that this November is the wettest November on record for the state of Arkansas. Evidence was everywhere. Both fields and forests are flooded.
We arrived in North Little Rock and have a site on the Arkansas River. We can see the dome of the capitol building, Verizon Stadium, a gorgeous skyline and a walking bridge across the Arkansas River to the Clinton Presidential Library. We're using our Passport America card for the first time and we're glad we have it.
We put Junnie in the bathroom so we could go in and out without having to worry about his getting outside, and then we hooked up the electricity and water and began cranking the jacks in place. We were having some problem adjusting the jacks when I noticed water coming from under the door into the trailer. Dan can move very quickly and I didn't know I could yell so loudly! Junnie was perched on top of the toilet in the bathroom asking why everything was beginning to float. It is always a good idea to remove whatever you use to keep water from sloshing OUT of a toilet before you fill the water tanks. Toilet floor flush valves are just that...valves to allow water to flow INTO the toilet. We have a very clean floor and our carpets and towels are hanging on the wall behind us. Hopefully the temp won't go as low as they're predicting. The high for tomorrow is 49! We could definitely have done without all the excitement we have had today. Our GPS led us to two closed Walmarts and everyone we asked told us a different way to get to the huge new one---except at the end of each direction, there was no "pot of gold", or Walmart, either. Tomorrow will be better?
Obviously we are not öld dogs"...We're learning new tricks!
Three tired travelers
Monday, November 28, 2011
November 28...Heading to Memphis
What a perfect day to snuggle in bed with a good book. The rain continued through the night with the temperature in the mid-forties. We take our time breaking camp and heading toward Memphis. It should be an easy drive .
We’re in a monochromatic world. The sky, the road, and our truck are a steel grey making the occasional colors of greens and oranges and browns really stand out against the sameness of the grey. It is interesting for us to see pine trees with short needles. We’re so use to the long leaf variety in eastern NC , the short ones surprise us. In the distance there are streams lined with sycamores. Their white trunks stand out against the darkness of the trees around them.
Dan suggested we stop for lunch since the weather was so messy. Junnie had already been back in the trailer for his break and I don’t think Dan wanted to set up the steps and get things ready for his slow stepping wife. We needed gas, anyway, and have always heard that truck stops have great food. We saw one just off I-40 and pulled in. They had a salad bar with lots of fresh lettuces, green peppers and mushrooms, cheese, eggs, bacon bits, potato salad, three pasta salads, broccoli salad and slaw and six choices of dressings. On the hot bar we had our choice of baked ham, fried pork chops, fried catfish, fried chicken strips, fried okra, corn on the cob, mashed potatoes, French fries, navy beans, ford hook limas, mixed greens with country ham, glistening green beans with lots of pieces of crisp bacon, long-time-steamed broccoli with bits of onions, brown gravy, red eye gravy and I think that’s all. At least I don’t remember any more. Oh yes, cinnamon apple slices! I did not go anywhere near the dessert table, but our waitress proudly told me they were all homemade, as was the cornbread muffins that were served with each meal. We had a hard time deciding what to eat!
About an hour out of the restaurant, we began seeing a different type of splat on the windshield and soon realized we were in a little snow shower…that began growing until the grass was turning white and the parked cars were decorated in a frosting of snow.
We are now in Jackson , TN in the middle of a winter storm watch. Who would have thought that five days into our trip we would have to stop driving because of a snowstorm.
Three Wonderland Wanderers
Sunday, November 27, 2011
November 27, 2011...1st Sunday in Advent
Today one of my "Bucket List" items was fulfilled. When I was in my early teens, I saw a movie that has iintrigued me all my life. I have never seen it at a movie rental place, or ever listed in a television guide, or ever played on an öld"movie channel. In my mind Charleton Heston and Susan Hayward were the main actors...perhaps because I really liked them, or maybe I have remembered correctly. This movie has had a tremendous influence in my life. The title was, "The President's Lady", and it was Hollywood's version of Andrew Jackson and Rachel Donelson's life. Whether it was the actors, the romance, my impressionable age, or a combination of all three, I have loved history ever since. Even with me now on my Kindle I have books on the Tudors of England, another novel about Cleopatra,, and one about the heretic queen of Egypt. Historical novels are my favorite genera. Today, my precious husband made sure that in the pouring rain, he made it possible for us to visit The Hermitage. As you know, it is the home Andrew Jackson built for his Rachel. There are drawing rooms decorated in block printed painting wallpaper; furniture and carpeting of the period and the old-fashioned window coverings at that time...Venetian blinds! I had a wonderful time going all over as much of the mansion as I could go and listening to the audio tour. I had forgotten that Jackson was 6'1"tall and weighed 143 pounds! No wonder he looks so tall in his portraits. Rachel was around 5 feet no matter which way you looked at her. Hummmm.
From what I've written above, it is obvious we did not (much to our disappointment) make it to church. Hopefully we will do better next Sunday. I wonder where we will be.
The rain continues to come down and it is a comfort to me. Growing up in a house with a tin roof and listening to the rain has always been a sound I have loved. So much of a comfort , in fact, that I have threatened to nail aluminum pie plates to window sills so I can hear it rain. Dan does such a good job of insulation you can only hear the rain in a hurricane, and then only slightly.
The outlook for tomorrow is rain. We do not plan on going far. Memphis is our destination, if the weather permits.
Dan attempted to take pictures of the light show next door. In the rain, they are sorta blurry. Unfortunately we won't have much to show you when HE learns how to add them to this blogging site.
A thought that came to me...People stuff turkeys; turkeys stuff people, but more humanely.
The tres travelers
From what I've written above, it is obvious we did not (much to our disappointment) make it to church. Hopefully we will do better next Sunday. I wonder where we will be.
The rain continues to come down and it is a comfort to me. Growing up in a house with a tin roof and listening to the rain has always been a sound I have loved. So much of a comfort , in fact, that I have threatened to nail aluminum pie plates to window sills so I can hear it rain. Dan does such a good job of insulation you can only hear the rain in a hurricane, and then only slightly.
The outlook for tomorrow is rain. We do not plan on going far. Memphis is our destination, if the weather permits.
Dan attempted to take pictures of the light show next door. In the rain, they are sorta blurry. Unfortunately we won't have much to show you when HE learns how to add them to this blogging site.
A thought that came to me...People stuff turkeys; turkeys stuff people, but more humanely.
The tres travelers
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Saturday in Tennessee
I'm having trouble keeping my verb tenses straight,so ai'm trying to catch up to the day we are on.
Today was a super day for traveling. Overcast days are much easier on one's eyes. Last night was so cold Junnie decided he would grace us with his presence when we retired for the night. First, he decided to walk on my shins, next he took a nap on Dan's stomach. When Dan turned over he fled from the bed...Junnie, that is. Later I felt him crawling up under the covers and nestling on my feet. Sleep came. Around three I awakened to thumping and after listening a bit trying to decide if someone was attempting to detatch the truck or get a free propane tank, I realized I was hearing Junnie playing under the bed with his toy ball we couldn't find before we went to sleep. He didn't keep me awke for long.
This morning we bought gas for $3.06 in Knoxville and later tonight, for $2.97 here in Nashville. We're camped off Music Valley Drive quite near The Gaylord Opreyland Hotel. You turn left to go to the hotel and right to come to the campground. From one of our windows as I type, I can see the Christmas light show from Jellystone Campground almost next door. There are red, blue, green snowflakes falling from the trees; Christmas shaped trees winking at us in the same color; curtains of red and green lights turning to blue, and white racing arcs and pinwheels spinning in mid-air. It is an interesting and entertaining sight. Earlier we found the radio station that was playing music syncronized to the dancing lights. We can trun the radio off.
It was so mild and comfortable outside when we arrived, we stayed out watching the lights and talking with neighbors before we came in and had a supper of the scrumptious Divine Italian Pie. Whoever made it, THANKS. I knew it was a good idea to buy those frozen casseroles at the church bazaar.
Have a good Sunday and blessing to all,
Travel Trailer Trippers
Donelson UMC is not far from here and the Hermitage is close by there. Hope Junior will behave himself while we're away tomorrow.
Today was a super day for traveling. Overcast days are much easier on one's eyes. Last night was so cold Junnie decided he would grace us with his presence when we retired for the night. First, he decided to walk on my shins, next he took a nap on Dan's stomach. When Dan turned over he fled from the bed...Junnie, that is. Later I felt him crawling up under the covers and nestling on my feet. Sleep came. Around three I awakened to thumping and after listening a bit trying to decide if someone was attempting to detatch the truck or get a free propane tank, I realized I was hearing Junnie playing under the bed with his toy ball we couldn't find before we went to sleep. He didn't keep me awke for long.
This morning we bought gas for $3.06 in Knoxville and later tonight, for $2.97 here in Nashville. We're camped off Music Valley Drive quite near The Gaylord Opreyland Hotel. You turn left to go to the hotel and right to come to the campground. From one of our windows as I type, I can see the Christmas light show from Jellystone Campground almost next door. There are red, blue, green snowflakes falling from the trees; Christmas shaped trees winking at us in the same color; curtains of red and green lights turning to blue, and white racing arcs and pinwheels spinning in mid-air. It is an interesting and entertaining sight. Earlier we found the radio station that was playing music syncronized to the dancing lights. We can trun the radio off.
It was so mild and comfortable outside when we arrived, we stayed out watching the lights and talking with neighbors before we came in and had a supper of the scrumptious Divine Italian Pie. Whoever made it, THANKS. I knew it was a good idea to buy those frozen casseroles at the church bazaar.
Have a good Sunday and blessing to all,
Travel Trailer Trippers
Donelson UMC is not far from here and the Hermitage is close by there. Hope Junior will behave himself while we're away tomorrow.
From Raleigh to Waynesville
What a gorgeous day Friday dawned to be! We left the fairgrounds under crystal clear blue skies and headed farther west on I-40. The roads were lined with lots of pine trees interspersed with the colors of sweet gum, the browns of the oak trees and occasional bursts of yellows. It's Friday after Thanksgiving and most people are still enjoying family and friends waiting to the last minute to travel home from the holiday. Dan and I had had more time to think about letting Junior have a few moments to refresh himself in the trailer. At this rest stop we brought him back and let him have the run of the enclosed bathroom. We did not have a hassel trying to get him back in the truck cab Friday. All three of us are learning.
When we passed Winston-Salem we tooted the horn and waved to my sister's home. She and all her family and their families had gone to Concord for her husband's family reunion that they have each year, and then, all 12 (I think I counted correctly) of them headed farther west to cut down Christmas trees, as is their tradition.
We arrived at a beautiful and sparsely used campground on the Johathan Creek in Waynesville. We could see and hear the river from our camper and directly in front of us was an old, gnarled weeping willow with a few yellow leaves cascading from the branches. Shagbark hickory, blackwalnut, river birch, and sycamore were some of the bare trees lining the brook that was rapidly flowing over rocks in it's bed. Dan said he wished he had a fly rod with him.
We especially wanted to stop in Waynesville because Carol and Harold Williford live near there. Back in the late 80's and early 90's for too short a number of years, they lived in Beaufort with their two boys, Mark and Jonathan. Their daughter was in college then. They cam and picked us up and we had a most delightful evening with delicious food and lively conversation. We had not seen them in about 5 years but they are the kind of people you seem to thin you saw last just continue your conversations as though no time has elapsed. It is always good to see them and we keep trying to get them to come visit Beaufort again. Carol and I were in the choir when Ann Street began it's early service!
When we left to go back to the campground we found the temperature had dropped like a rock. It was COLD!
As you may have gathered, I have trouble spelling. Sorry, but that's just the way it is and this site doesn't seem to have spell check. I hope you can figure out my goofs.
Type at ya later and blessings to each of you,
We Three
When we passed Winston-Salem we tooted the horn and waved to my sister's home. She and all her family and their families had gone to Concord for her husband's family reunion that they have each year, and then, all 12 (I think I counted correctly) of them headed farther west to cut down Christmas trees, as is their tradition.
We arrived at a beautiful and sparsely used campground on the Johathan Creek in Waynesville. We could see and hear the river from our camper and directly in front of us was an old, gnarled weeping willow with a few yellow leaves cascading from the branches. Shagbark hickory, blackwalnut, river birch, and sycamore were some of the bare trees lining the brook that was rapidly flowing over rocks in it's bed. Dan said he wished he had a fly rod with him.
We especially wanted to stop in Waynesville because Carol and Harold Williford live near there. Back in the late 80's and early 90's for too short a number of years, they lived in Beaufort with their two boys, Mark and Jonathan. Their daughter was in college then. They cam and picked us up and we had a most delightful evening with delicious food and lively conversation. We had not seen them in about 5 years but they are the kind of people you seem to thin you saw last just continue your conversations as though no time has elapsed. It is always good to see them and we keep trying to get them to come visit Beaufort again. Carol and I were in the choir when Ann Street began it's early service!
When we left to go back to the campground we found the temperature had dropped like a rock. It was COLD!
As you may have gathered, I have trouble spelling. Sorry, but that's just the way it is and this site doesn't seem to have spell check. I hope you can figure out my goofs.
Type at ya later and blessings to each of you,
We Three
Friday, November 25, 2011
day 1 Thanksgiving
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with our churtrch family before heading out on our adventure. Despite Don G's suggestion that we camp in Havelock (@ 26 miles from Beaufort) we went all the way to Raleigh (about 150 miles away from Bft.) Backing up a camper in the dark is no fun.
About 1 1/2 hours into our adventure, we decided our cat Junnie needed a break. He's still not sure about traveling in his carrier. Dan and I had the brilliant idea (only kind we have) to let him refresh himself in the camper while I stayed in the cab to spray some "Äromatherapy for cats" in his carrier to help calm him down. After sufficient time, here came Dan. Junnie had found a hole and crawled under the bed refusing to come out no matter how much we coaxed him. We were finally able to grab him through the outside access hole therefore causing our having to later backup the trailer in the dark!
Kryn brought us another delicious helping of Thanksgiving feast foods and all kinds of goodies for our cross country trek. The things he brought for us to carry filled up the last available spaces we had! Guess that means no shopping.
Today's weather has been gorgeous and our planned destination for Friday is the mountains of NC.
The Trio Trekkers
About 1 1/2 hours into our adventure, we decided our cat Junnie needed a break. He's still not sure about traveling in his carrier. Dan and I had the brilliant idea (only kind we have) to let him refresh himself in the camper while I stayed in the cab to spray some "Äromatherapy for cats" in his carrier to help calm him down. After sufficient time, here came Dan. Junnie had found a hole and crawled under the bed refusing to come out no matter how much we coaxed him. We were finally able to grab him through the outside access hole therefore causing our having to later backup the trailer in the dark!
Kryn brought us another delicious helping of Thanksgiving feast foods and all kinds of goodies for our cross country trek. The things he brought for us to carry filled up the last available spaces we had! Guess that means no shopping.
Today's weather has been gorgeous and our planned destination for Friday is the mountains of NC.
The Trio Trekkers
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
day zero
Tomorrow is the big day as we leave on our adventure across country. We will have lunch with our church family and celebrate Thanksgiving. We will leave right after lunch and go to Raleigh for our first night. More later.
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